Main Takeaway From Video:

Students have been dealing with stress, so extensive to the point where they aren’t able to enjoy and be productive.

As a group, my scrum team was able to put together this google form that assessed the mental health of students at Del Norte, to see how this problem is affecting students in our high school.

  • Example of one of our questions:

  • This question goes over the stress levels in our school
  • The results are very bad in the sense that most students are dealing with extreme amounts of stress

  • This next question goes over anxiety which is hand in hand with stress
  • Our scrum team chose this question so it can emphasize the amount of pressure that the students are put under

  • This next question goes over homework and how much stress it puts onto the students
  • This shows the effect that school has on the students

  • This is another question that talks about the mental health of the students, most of the people that answered our survey responded by saying that they were feeling lonely. This is not good because being lonely is bad.


From this survey I was able to guage the mental health of the students in del norte and I was able to get a better understanding of how school affects the students. This was also a survey that allowed me to reflect off of the video of the Better life.