Big Teams Data Structures including List, Dictionaries, 2D arrays and Iteration (Big Idea 3)

  • To complete my CPT project, I intend to repurpose some of the code from my previous group project. During the last trimester, I was responsible for developing the backend code, where I designed a personality testing function that updated a separate database, a user profile that collected and encrypted user information for future access, and a sign-in/log-in feature. I plan to utilize the user profile components and incorporate database storage to a simple game like Snake. Essentially, I will create a game that allows players to store their scores in a user database and profiles. Since our previous group project was not personalized, we decided to pursue separate CPT projects, while still collaborating on a group project.
import random 
def spinnernum ():
    spin = int(input("how many choices?"))
    random_number = random.randint(1, spin)
    return random_number

numbers = []

def simulation ():

for i in range(3):
[2, 2]
[2, 2, 6]

This is a simple simulation where you can see the list getting filled with random numbers

  • It takes the user input and uses the random library to input the numbers into the list
  • Here you can see how the list works
my_dict = {}

while True:
    key = input("Enter a key (or 'stop' to exit): ")
    if key == 'stop':
    value = input("Enter a value: ")
    my_dict[key] = value

print("Dictionary contents:")
for key, value in my_dict.items():
    print(key, "->", value)
Dictionary contents:
age -> 15
gender -> male
dog -> yes
  • this is a simulation of a dictionary applying values to keys
  • This can be used to highlight the functionality of a dictionary and how quick it can be to access values