
Explain in your own words what each logical operator does

  • AND determines if both of the statements are true
  • OR determines if either one are true, and even if both are true it will still work
  • NOT checks if a certain condition is not met, for example no sunny checks to see if its cloudy Code your own scenario that makes sense for each logical operator

sun = False
if not sun:
    print("it is cloudy!")


weight = 240
age = 19
if weight >= 150 and age >= 15:
    print("You meet the requirements for this ride!")

# OR

emotion = "sad"
if emotion=="sad" or emotion=="lonely":
    print("you are depressed")

3.6 hacks

1 point for defining all the key terms in your own words. 0.5 points if you use examples that show you truly understand it.

  • Selection: If something is true a specific code will run. EX: If answer is yes then a code block will run
  • Algorithm: a procedure of code that does something or a task. EX: algorithm that takes in your grades and gives out a GPA number
  • Conditional statement: runs a function depending or executs if TRUE. EX: if the sun is out, then it is sunny. 1 point for writing a program that uses binary conditional logic. 0.5 points if it is original and shows complexity
import random
numbers = [0,1]
def AND():  
    num1 = random.choice(numbers)
    num2 = random.choice(numbers)
    print(num1, "&", num2, "=", num1 & num2)
for i in range(5):
def OR():  
    num1 = random.choice(numbers)
    num2 = random.choice(numbers)
    print(num1, "|", num2, "=", num1 | num2)
for i in range(5):
def XOR():  
    num1 = random.choice(numbers)
    num2 = random.choice(numbers)
    print(num1, "^", num2, "=", num1 ^ num2)
for i in range(5):


  • Create 3 different flow charts representing nested statements and transfer them into code.

BallColor = "red"
size = "7"
if BallColor=="red":
    if size !="8":
        print("right color wrong size")
    elif size == "8":
        print("right color and right size")
    if size !="8":
        print("wrong color wrong size")
    elif size == "8":
        print("wrong color and right size")

Temp = 79
Humid = True
if Temp > 80:
    if Humid == True:
        print("it is hot and humid")
    elif Humid == False:
        print("it is hot and not humid")
elif Temp<80:
    if Humid == True:
        print("it is not hot and humid")
    elif Humid == False:
        print("it is not hot and not humid")

if money>30:
    if store == "open":
        print("you can buy it")
    elif store == "closed":
        print("You can buy it another day")
    print("you do not have enough money")

Create a piece of code that displays four statements instead of three. Try to do more if you can.

if coins>30:
    if shop == "open":
        print("you can buy it")
    elif store == "closed":
        print("You can buy it another day")
    elif time == "night":
        print("come during the day")
    print("you cannot buy it")
  • Make piece of code that gives three different recommandations for possible classes to take at a scholl based on two different condtions. These conditions could be if the student likes STEM or not.
    STEM = True
    HISTORY = True
    if STEM:
      print("Calculus, Physics, Biology")
    elif HISTORY:
      print("European History, Gov, american history")
      print("PE, art, english")